Published Articles
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Published Articles
Mildred Gilman Wohlforth worked as a reporter for a wide range of publications, writing for the New York Times, New Yorker, Morning Telegraph, Headlines, and the New York Journal, among many others. Here is a collection of her published articles in these and other publications.
Collection Items
Margaret Sanger: Back from India
Mildred Gilman Wohlforth article describing the overseas efforts of Margaret Sanger in providing birth control and education in India and Japan.
Birth Control-- Hush-hush Subject
Article by Mildred Wohlforth regarding birth control and family planning attitudes, law, and education.
The Best Methods of Birth Control
Article by Mildred Wohlforth regarding commonly asked birth control and family planning questions.
Babies: Quantity or Quality?
Article by Mildred Wohlforth regarding birth control and family planning.
Abortion vs Birth Control in Japan
Article by Mildred Wohlforth regarding birth control, family planning, and abortion in Japan.
"Are You Frigid" from Mademoiselle Magazine, Feb 1952
Article by Mildred on sex, sexual satisfaction for women and the idea of being “frigid” as well as changes in attitude on these topics.
"No one ever follows my good advice- why?"
Co-written article by Mildred and a doctor on giving advice and marriage.
"The No Baby Pill"
Article by Mildred Wohlforth regarding birth control and family planning, attitudes and taboos.